Pi Rho Festival Information

Photo gallery

Photos from previous Pi-Rho Festivals


Saturday March 9th 2024


1150 Co Rd 336, Granger, TX 76530


You can send your RSVP or any questions to PiRhoFest@PiRhoFest.com or text Rudy at 512-659-8120
If you want a collectible name-tag button, we need first names for everyone in your group by Thursday 3/7/2024.
If you've been invited and won't attend, we'd like to know that too.


News and status:

Note: PiRhoFest is a private event

Some people have found our group through google or facebook, but unfortunately we
have to limit the size of the crowd. As a general rule, the main host families
(Skrovan, Davidson, Albachten) can invite their friends and those friends can invite
limited numbers of their friends. If you're not sure if you can attend or whether
to invite someone, contact Rudy or Joe and we'll help decide if it's appropriate.

General Information:

You can contact us at: PiRhoFest@PiRhoFest.com